July Partners Update
July Happenings
Important News
Because of recent changes in the status of a foster child who was part of Shannon and JoElla’s family for a few years, Shannon and JoElla and their children will be moving back to the United States on August 5. They will be settling in the Chambersburg, PA area for the near future. This sudden departure means that there is a gap in administrative personnel in Poland. The Board is working hard to develop a plan to provide leadership and support for the team. As that plan develops, we will share additional information in Partners.
Word from the Lehmans
Please pray for our family. These are sudden changes compressed into an extremely tight window of time. The focus cannot be on us though. It has got to be on Christ because the storm around me is overwhelming when I try to weigh it against my chance of survival. Jahna needs a family to be her anchor, a north star from which to orient herself after nine years of constant change and upheaval. We will answer that call boldly as we have witnessed the miracles that have even made it possible. We will not shrink back and I urge you, our supporters, to step forward at this time and to help AIM as this is requiring some resources and energy that we couldn’t calculate for. We cannot expect warfare to be different… it will be costly and will demand sacrifice from all of us. Thanks for partnering in this fight even with its unexpected twists and turns.
An Update from Lavern’s
We are having a good time in the U.S. We’ve been in Montezuma, Georgia with Lolita’s family, except for a week we spent in Virginia. We’re glad that we can help out around Grandpa and Grandma’s place—in the wood shop and in the chicken house. Hadassah and Annaliese are enjoying the youth group at the Word of Life church where we attend. We’re engaging in friendships and conversations that refresh and encourage our souls.
Agape Church Update
Summer means people are travelling and taking vacations, but it also means we get to host some visitors as well. Polish people take their vacation seriously…they don’t come for the weekend, but rather for a week or two. One brother shared his story of redemption with us. God miraculously spared his life even after he jumped from seven stories in an attempt to kill himself. Peter (R) is translating here, and has also been organizing our meetings and leading out in church administration while Lavern’s family is on home assignment. He is doing a very good job and as he would say “keeping the vertical position.”
Report from Lyndon’s service trip
Lyndon Beiler and his brother Lavelle spent in southwestern Poland helping with a church family camp. Lyndon said, “It was definitely a highlight of my year in Poland. It was exciting to see God at work in the lives of the campers, and it was an excellent opportunity to practice Polish with both the kids and adults. As far as contacts with good people in different parts of Poland, it was like hitting the jackpot, and it was really encouraging to feel the energy and excitement from the short term North American team.”
We are very thankful for the strong team of VS personnel we have here right now. Please keep supporting them and praying for them.
Financial and Personnel Needs
Airfare for Shannon’s family cost $3,031. We anticipated this expense sometime in 2018, not in July 2017. Funds are available to cover this cost, but this has the potential to create a cash flow issue in August.
Give to AIM
Donors may indicate preferences for where their gifts are used (such as staff support, Gateway to English, or Seed of Truth) and AIM will honor preferences where possible. AIM reserves the right to assign all contributions where needed. If you would like additional information about how funds are used or if you wish to pledge ongoing support, please contact Matthew Mast at homeoffice@aimpoland.org or 814-789-4394.
To make a donation using credit or debit card, please visit our contact page.
Our prayer and praise requests are updated at www.aimpoland.org/pray/.