April Partners Update
Urgent Personnel Needs
We have need of two volunteer teachers to provide instruction in conversational English at Gateway to English, starting in August 2023, for a two-year term. Teaching experience is preferred but not absolutely required. We are looking for a lady and a man.
To volunteer or to recommend someone for these positions or for more information, please contact Matt Gingerich at personnel@aimpoland.org.
Volunteer with AIM for an opportunity to teach English and partner in building God’s kingdom in Poland!
Where would I live?
Minsk Mazowiecki, population 40,000, near Warsaw, Poland
What would I do?
Teach conversational English to people of all ages and all walks of life. Partner with the local church and building relationships within the church and community.
What opportunities are involved?
Sharing the gospel. Learning a new language. Getting to know a new culture. Traveling in Europe.
Volunteer commitment
Volunteer terms are two years long, starting in late summer. A typical teaching workload is 20 hours of English lessons per week of one-on-one and group lessons. Although previous teaching experience is valuable for teaching English as a Second Language in Poland, it is not required. Necessary skills include an interest in people, the ability to make conversation, and a basic understanding of English grammar. An interest in language and culture is also helpful.