November Partners Update

Daniel Faferko family singing at Agape on Sunday morning

November Happenings

Thanksgiving Small Talk

The day after Thanksgiving, we hosted our traditional Thanksgiving-themed Small Talk event for our students. Instead of focusing on the history of this American holiday, we wanted to emphasize gratitude. Each person present wrote what they were thankful for on a paper leaf and then pinned it to a “thankfulness tree.” We had prepared some traditional American food and enjoyed the evening of talking and getting to know our students better.

November 24 Small Talk event at GTE

November 24 Small Talk event at GTE

We’re thankful for our many interesting and enjoyable students. They come from all walks of life and have had many interesting life experiences. Our goal is to give our students professional English lessons that will build their language skills while showing them the love of Christ. In the process, they teach us. We learn how to be better listeners, get to know Polish culture and traditions, and, most of all, make friends. We are grateful to have good students and that so many of them have become friends.

November 24 Small Talk event at GTE

Agape enjoyed another visit from the Daniel Fąferko family from western Poland. It is always encouraging to have friends and fellow believers visit from other places. We enjoyed the music Daniel’s family shared with us in our Sunday morning service.

Daniel Faferko family singing at Agape on Sunday morning

Financial and Personnel Needs

  • In the last five months, expenses have exceeded income by nearly $10,000. Our reserves are nearly depleted.
  • We need one single man and two single women to teach conversational English starting in August 2018. For more information, contact Matt Gingerich at

Give to AIM

Donors may indicate preferences for where their gifts are used (such as staff support, Gateway to English, or Seed of Truth) and AIM will honor preferences where possible. AIM reserves the right to assign all contributions where needed. If you would like additional information about how funds are used or if you wish to pledge ongoing support, please contact Matthew Mast at or 814-789-4394.

To make a donation using credit or debit card, please visit our contact page.

Our prayer and praise requests are updated at

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