January Partners Update
January Happenings
Lavern’s Return
Lavern and Lolita and their family returned to Poland on January 7. Lavern writes, “We arrived back in Poland 2 weeks ago. In some ways it seems like we never left Poland and the time in the U.S. was just a dream. But we are definitely rejuvenated and have fresh energy and vision from our time there. Thanks to all of you who helped make our time there so beneficial. It’s been an adjustment saying farewell to the people we grew close to in the U.S., but we are thankful for all we received. Since returning, we’ve been busy unpacking and getting our house re-stocked and re-organized. Lolita’s grandmother died on January 10 and she was able to watch the funeral via live video. Our brothers and sisters here in Poland have welcomed us back warmly and we are happy to be with them again.”
Seed of Truth
We sent out a 7-question survey to readers of the Seed of Truth magazine. Over 100 people responded, nearly all with appreciation, as well as a few suggestions for improvement. It is obvious that this magazine is meeting a real need in the lives of believers throughout Poland. Thank God that we can continue to distribute this magazine here.
Winter Break
The two-week winter school holiday fell in January this year. Matt and Deborah and the volunteers were able to take advantage of cheap tickets and travel to Lisbon, Portugal. In stark contrast to the wintry weather of Poland, Lisbon was warm and colorful. They returned to Poland refreshed and re-energized.
At the end of winter break, the Gateway to English team paid a two-day visit to an English school in Krakow. This school, Graceland, is run by two Canadian ladies with the vision of spreading the gospel through teaching English. This trip has become an annual tradition and the team always looks forward to getting teaching inspiration and fellowshipping with the team there. The GTE team assisted in teaching group lessons and led the singing at Graceland’s Friday evening Bible study. We begin the spring semester with added refreshment and encouragement.
Spicher Family Loss
After a battle with cancer, Sharon Spicher’s father passed away suddenly on January 2. She flew back to Pennsylvania to be with her family as soon as she could. Please keep Sharon and her family in your prayers.
Financial and Personnel Needs
- During the next five months we hope to build reserves for the summer months when income from teaching English stops. We need $10,000 per month in general donations to make this possible.
- We need another male and another female teacher to begin in August 2018. For more information, contact Matt Gingerich at administrator@aimpoland.org.
Give to AIM
Donors may indicate preferences for where their gifts are used (such as staff support, Gateway to English, or Seed of Truth) and AIM will honor preferences where possible. AIM reserves the right to assign all contributions where needed. If you would like additional information about how funds are used or if you wish to pledge ongoing support, please contact Matthew Mast at homeoffice@aimpoland.org or 814-789-4394.
To make a donation using credit or debit card, please visit our contact page.
Our prayer and praise requests are updated at www.aimpoland.org/pray/.